In 2019, Knox County mayor Glenn Jacobs tasked us with helping to address prison overcrowding. With Focus Ministries, we responded with RISE.
About RISE
Focus RISE (Recidivism Intervention & Sustainability Endeavor) addresses the needs of court involved persons at the pre-incarceration point in efforts to disrupt jail overcrowding and to provide hopeful sustainability through supportive care and recovery programming. The collaborative component of this proposal is the key to this initiative’s success.
RISE is a Partnership With
Focus Ministries
FOCUS Ministries is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1999 and works directly with the incarcerated and the newly released population of East Tennessee. FOCUS leads the incarcerated on a Pathway to New Beginnings.
Knox County Probation
Probation supports the Knox County Judiciary to ensure that anyone assigned to misdemeanor probation complies with the conditions of probation. Probation officers supervise a caseload of approximately 2,500 people.
Metro Drug Coalition
Metro Drug Coalition (MDC) is a private, non-profit corporation partially funded by local government. The mission of Metro Drug Coalition is to improve the health of the greater Knoxville community by reducing the use of alcohol and drugs through policy, systems and environment change.
How You Can Help:
We’re looking for servant-minded coaches, teachers, leaders, and recruiters.
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